Don’t Wear the Trends. Be Your Own Trend.

Written by: Asia Shamir Ferguson
In a world of TikTok dominated by influencers, it can be easy to be influenced by the trends and social media pressure of “what to wear” and how to wear it. If there’s anyone who can testify to the overwhelming overflow of new trends, it’s designer Alexandria Alli who shies away from the latest and leans more toward what’s trending for her.
Many of F&W Style’s pieces are timeless and chic. What we find in these modern times is that trends are expendable. Trend today. Gone tomorrow! Remember 2016, when chokers and bomber jackets were in? Nowadays it’s back to basics with a favor for the minimal and effortless look. (which btw goes perfectly with the Imani tote for working women). The point is, that there is one trend that never goes away: style. More specifically, YOUR STYLE, which is timeless and constantly evolving. Your style, your “trend” grows with you, not against you.
What is (my) trend?
Trends are defined as current styles or preferences, prevailing tendencies, and lines of development. The world creates beauty preferences that we must have now and change the next week. In fashion, one week you are influenced to invest a bag on the latest high-heeled shoe. The very next month, high heels are out and sneakers are in. Your trend is what your is vibe right now and how it changes as you grow.
How do I find (my) trends?
Step 1: Access your lifestyle. If you feel that you cannot wear it every day, don’t buy it! Now don’t get me wrong. If you want to invest in a pair of red bottoms for those nights out with the girls even though you only may work up the courage to go once or twice a month, by all means, live your best life! Be cautious of buying something because it’s cute and you are starting to see many people wear it. Think about your day-to-day lifestyle and the vibe you want to channel. For example, if you’re a stay-at-home mom, you may not need to invest in professional suits and high heels. If you’re a corporate girly, you may need more business casual clothes than traditional casual. However, just because you have a certain lifestyle doesn’t mean you can’t dress it up and still stay true to yourself.
Step 2: Get rid of it! One thing that stops us from investing in new pieces is the overwhelming state of our closets. Take some time to try on pieces in your closet and ask yourself two questions: Does this flatter my figure? Do I even like this anymore? If it doesn’t flatter your figure, consider getting it altered or just giving it away. And if you absolutely hate it, then you already know what to do. Don’t be afraid to let go of what’s no longer serving you. Your wardrobe is supposed to evolve with you, not pile up against you!
Step 3: Try Everything! You don’t know until you know. There are many ways to go about this: create a Pinterest mood board of potential outfits you love, search for outfit inspiration on TikTok, or have a try-on session at any of your favorite stores. Take time to feel what fabrics and silhouettes you like. Try on every color and see what colors you love on your skin tone. The goal is to be intentional. It’s your wardrobe! It should be an accurate and authentic representation of you and how you feel, so take the time to learn what your current self likes.
The key to trends is to make them work for you. If there’s a new popular trendy jacket or shoe you love, make the purchase, and adapt it to you. What’s currently in style for you? How do you think the Hailey Bieber trend came to be? It came from her fashion sense and adapting the effortless off-duty model look to her personal style and lifestyle. And that’s exactly what you should do. Explore what look you want to go for and adapt it to your personality regardless of what’s trending in the world.